There are many different software systems in the world, and while they all serve different, essential functions, it makes it challenging to keep them all straight. Data visualization is critical. People tend to understand more information that is visually descriptive and interesting. Visualization of data helps one understand data very quickly.

What is Tableau?

A tableau is software that performs data visualization very quickly by accessing data in easy-to-digest visuals. Tableau is used for:

  • Data visualization
  • To blend data
  • Translate query into visualization
  • Managing voluminous metadata
  • To create ‘no-code data queries
  • It is real-time data analysis.
  • Can import a large size of data

Tableau software is widely used because it is fast for data analysis and doesn’t require any programming skills to operate. It has unique features which put it at the front of other visualization tools. Such features include:

  • Dashboard
  • Tableau data sources
  • Advanced visualizations
  • Collaboration and sharing
  • Licensing views
  • Revision history
  • Mobile view, etc.

How Does Tableau Work? 

The main task of Tableau is to connect and extract information kept in various places. Tableau can extract data from excel, complex oracle databases, PDF, Google Cloud SQL, Amazon Web Services, and several other data sources.

Once the tableau tool is launched, ready data connectors are available. These data connectors help you to connect to any database.

The data extracted is connected to the tableau desktop, where the data operator works with the pulled data to create dashboards and develop visualization. The formed dashboards are then shared in the form of static files with users, where the users use Tableau Reader to view these received files.

Tableau can publish data connected to the Tableau data engine to Tableau’s server. A tableau’s server is an enterprise platform supporting governance, collaboration, distribution, security model, and other automation features. It is mainly used to share visualizations and workbooks generated on the tableau desktop. The tableau server helps users to have easy access to files from all locations, be it a phone, desktop, or email.

What Are the Advantages of Tableau?

There are several advantages to keeping Tableau the most famous visualization software. Some of these benefits are:

  • Tableau software has the most fantastic data visualizations.
  • Another powerful benefit of Tableau is its in-depth insights.
  • Tableau is a user-friendly tool and does not require prior technical skills or coding experience. Most of its features are self-explanatory and easy to understand.
  • Tableau can add new datasets which are blended automatically.
  • Tableau has an option to switch between different visualizations.

What Jobs Require Knowledge of Tableau?

Several business intelligence jobs require the knowledge of this visualization trend. These jobs include:

  • Business Intelligence Analyst
  • Tableau consultant
  • Business Intelligence Developer
  • Business analyst
  • Business Intelligence Manager

You can learn the skills to master software like Tableau through training and kickstart your career in tech. When you’re ready to begin the journey and new career, WOZ U is here to help you get started. With many different training and apprenticeship options, you can start your journey to a career in tech now!