How to Make Your Resume Stand Out in the Tech Industry
1. List Your Tech Skills First For any tech position, the hiring manager is looking for someone who knows their stuff. To show that you are tech-savvy, list all [...]
1. List Your Tech Skills First For any tech position, the hiring manager is looking for someone who knows their stuff. To show that you are tech-savvy, list all [...]
How to start your career in cyber security Choosing a career in cybersecurity can take you down many different career paths, and WOZ U is here to help with the [...]
Change and growth are inevitable in all industries, including tech. The tech industry grows faster than any other while facing an interesting dilemma. There is a shortage of skilled and [...]
Though the term “entry-level” seems to mean something different to every employer, there are many lower-level tech positions that require minimal job experience and offer great pay and benefits to [...]
While still relatively new, the field of data science experiences disproportionate gender representation, where men hold a majority of data science positions. Efforts have been made to steadily address this [...]
Resumes are often the first stage of the application process. Nail the resume, and you’re one step closer to getting the job you want. According to a study by Glassdoor, [...]
Completing an internship or apprenticeship program is almost always expected for an individual seeking employment. It is basically how you get your foot in the door and gain the skills [...]
Now Andrew is VP of Sales at Pluma. How did she do it? Andrew shared her journey and provided some resources and advice regarding career re-entry at the Fireside Chat [...]
In February, Sandra Lopez served as the speaker for WOZ and ENTITY Academy’s Fireside Chat on “Staying Polished and Professional When Working Remote.” During the chat, Lopez spoke on a [...]
Employers are currently hiring for a wide variety of IT skills. Both accredited institutions and bootcamps equip learners with such hard skills. Your choice, college vs. bootcamp entirely depends on [...]